  1. To develop interest and maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about chemistry.
  2. To construct and apply knowledge of chemistry and appreciate the relationship between chemistry and other disciplines.
  3. To develop skills for making scientific inquiries.
  4. To develop the ability to think scientifically, critically and creatively; and solve problems individually and collaboratively in chemistry-related contexts.
  5. To show appropriate awareness of working safely.
  6. To understand and evaluate the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of chemistry, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship.
Curriculum Highlight

Through various activities, students can raise awareness of the social, economic, environmental and technological implications of chemistry.

Curriculum Framework
F3 Part 1 Planet Earth
Part 2 Microscopic World I
F4 Part 3 Metals
Part 4 Acids and Bases
Part 5 Fossil Fuels and Carbon Compounds
F5 Part 6 Microscopic World II
Part 7 Redox Reactions, Chemical Cells and Electrolysis
Part 8 Chemical Reactions and Energy
Part 9 Rate of Reaction
Part 10 Chemical Equilibrium
Part 11 Chemistry of Carbon Compounds
Part 12 Patterns in the Chemical World
F6 Part 13 Industrial Chemistry
Part 15 Analytical Chemistry
Learning Activity