Student Life
Tung Wah Events
5 December 2025
This year, our school’s 40th Sports Day was successfully held on September 30th and December 5th at the Wan Chai Sports Ground. Our students’ performance was phenomenal; they excelled in a variety of track and field events while demonstrating exceptional sportsmanship and strong team spirit among classes and houses. One of the highlights of the […]
20 December 2024
The recent picnic filled students with excitement as they embarked on outdoor excursions to various country parks, fostering class bonds and a newfound appreciation for nature. F.1 students explored Wu Kai Sha Youth Village, while F.2 students ventured to Sai Kung Country Park. F.3 students visited Clear Water Bay Country Park, and F.4 students explored […]
16 December 2024
The four houses’ singing contest was held successfully before the Christmas holiday, providing not only an opportunity for our peers to showcase their singing abilities but also a chance for most students to relax before facing a tight and hectic revision schedule during the holidays. During the contest, the atmosphere was infused with joy, energy, […]
10 December 2024
On December 10, 2024, our students had the honor of relishing the vibrant songs and dynamic dance steps of Watoto’s passionate performance as part of their renowned ‘Better Days—There Is Hope’ Asia tour. Each Watoto Children’s Choir consists of around 18 to 22 children from Uganda. Our students were deeply engaged with the choir’s performances […]
16 November 2024
The F1 Admission Information Day was held on 16th November 2024, welcoming a large number of parents and students eager to learn about our school. The Principal commenced the event with a thoughtful address, emphasizing the notable achievements of our students in academics, athletics, the arts, and community service. Following this, he presented an overview […]
26 October 2024
To enhance parents’ insights into their children’s academic development, the Parent-Teacher Conference took place on October 26th, 2024. This event allowed parents to engage directly with class teachers and connect with fellow parents. Before the conference, the PTA Annual General Meeting and Election were conducted, attracting a large turnout of parents and teachers. The PTA […]
15 October 2024
The Inauguration Ceremony for the Student Leaders of 2024-2025 was held successfully on October 15, 2024. The event commenced with the Head Prefects from last year reporting on their duties before passing their badge to the new Head Prefects, entrusting them with the important duty of serving teachers and students. Following this, Peer Counsellors, Peer […]
1 October 2024
為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年,在一片愉悅的氣氛中,學校舉辦形形色色的慶祝活動,讓同學參與其中,一同熱烈歡度國慶。 2024年初,學校就開始展示介紹中國文化和國情的大型展板,並定期更新不同中國傳統節慶活動和國情資訊,透過展板讓學生了解祖國歷史和發展,並加強同學對國家的歸屬感和自豪感。 同時學校亦籌備一系列慶祝活動,例如國慶周。操場展示各式各樣的國慶布置,營造喜氣洋溢的氣氛。 班主任早會時段播放影片讓學生認識國家成立以來的重大成就和發展。高中修讀中史科的同學更製作與國慶相關的壁報以表達愛國情懷,成品讓人讚嘆。午息時間,同學們聚攏在有蓋操場,參加中史科和視藝科合辦的國慶遊戲攤位活動,在會上大顯身手,認真回答有關國家發展的問題。同場更有國畫熊貓工作坊,一隻隻活潑好動的大熊貓在同學的筆下活靈活現。 今年的國慶特備周會,由升旗隊步操出場,升起國旗,全校師生奏唱國歌打開文化匯演序幕。悅耳悠揚的古箏、優美翩翩的中國舞蹈、聲情並茂的中文朗誦、澎拜的黃河協奏曲表演等都展現了中華民族文化之美。台上學生精彩的演出,台下觀眾雷動的掌聲,在愉悅的氣氛中一同見證中華民族優良的藝術文化。 國慶周的陸運會更有特備項目——喜迎國慶接力跑。同學手中的接力棒傳遞著一代又一代的熱情和使命,為國家和理想奮鬥。 四社特備環節——賀國慶啦啦隊表演,為慶祝活動更添歡樂氣氛。 衷心祝福國家富強昌盛,盼同學們不斷認識國家歷史傳統,傳承中華優秀文化。
2 September 2024
We were delighted to come together for the school’s opening ceremony on September 2, 2024. The event commenced with the MC welcoming our Principal, Vice Principals, Assistant Principals, and teachers to the stage. The Principal first extended a heartfelt welcome to all new students joining our school. He also congratulated our former Form Six students […]
28 August 2024
The TWGHs Flag Day 2024 took place successfully on August 28, 2024. Our students raised funds from generous pedestrians across Lok Fu, Kowloon Bay, and Kennedy Town. Despite the sweltering heat, they dedicated themselves to gathering donations from passersby. The outpouring of support from citizens, ranging from toddlers to seniors, highlighted the vital role the […]
26 August 2024
As summer concluded and the new academic year began, our school was delighted to welcome our incoming freshmen with a comprehensive two-part orientation program. F1 Orientation Day was conducted on August 26, 2024. This event-packed day began with an ice-breaking session and mini games, where freshmen had the opportunity to connect with their class teachers […]
12 July 2024
The Closing Ceremony took place on July 12th, 2024 to mark the end of the school term. During the event, the School recognized the outstanding achievements of students. Academic awards and scholarships were presented to students who demonstrated exceptional performance or remarkable improvement over the year. The Principal also recognized and thanked the departing teachers […]
27 May 2024
The Union Festival was the school’s final major event of the year, and it was an occasion to remember. The Student Union devoted tremendous effort to the preparations, and their hard work paid off. In a dimly lit hall illuminated by angled spotlights, the student performances captivated the audience, whether they were playing instruments, singing […]
24 May 2024
The 2023-2024 Speech Day, held on May 24th, was a joyous celebration that marked the culmination of the secondary school journey for our F.6 graduates. The event was held with great care and enthusiasm, allowing our students to commemorate their achievements alongside beloved teachers and peers. The covered playground was adorned with a specially-designed backdrop […]
7 May 2024
2024年5月7日至5月11日,我校聯同東華三院張明添中學合共42名師生組成「廣西南寧市姊妹學校交流團」到廣西進行考察和交流。 花山岩畫,作為世界文化遺產之一,是壯族祖先駱越所畫。我們參觀了位於崇左市的岩畫,透過觀賞眾多岩畫,可以對壯族的歷史有更深入的了解。 此次行程其中一個重點就是拜訪我們的姊妹學校 — 南寧市第二中學。當天我校學生透過互動式的體驗、參觀、學習、交流,感受到廣西魅力非遺文化。 其中,學生們在老師的指導下,學習舞龍舞獅、製作滾燈、烹調油茶,繼而參觀二中的創客實驗室和天文台,讓我們對廣西的文化和二中都有著更深入的了解。 為增進兩地青少年之間的交流,我校和張明添中學的學生出席了「香港青少年看祖國 — 桂港中學生交流晚會」。席間,除了有廣西民族的表演外,兩校學生還合唱了《灣區是故鄉》,透過深情演繹歌曲來表達桂港兩地的深厚友誼。 此外,交流團一行也到訪百益·上河城。在得到熱情招待下,我們透過不同活動包括跳竹竿、學習唱山歌、喝油茶、體驗廣西扎染文化、觀看相聲表演等等以對廣西的不同文化有著更多的認識。 時光飛逝,短短五日行程,我們走訪了廣西多處地方,認識到很多廣西獨有的壯族風情,亦對我國的非遺文化有更深的了解。期望透過持續交流和互訪,桂港兩地教育有更多的合作和發展,兩地青少年友誼長存,共同為我國作出更大的貢獻! 相關連結:
18 April 2024
公民科內地考察屬於本科課程的重要組成部分,旨在讓所有高中學生通過實地考察活動,親身了解國情和國家的最新發展,增進他們對中華文化的認識和欣賞,提升國民身份認同。 本年度4月18日至19日,公民科帶領中五級同學前往珠海進行為期兩日一夜的考察活動。一方面,同學透過參觀珠海太空中心、愛飛客航空科普基地等,認識珠海航空的發展和規劃,並了解國家在航空科技上的發展和成就。另一方面,同學能夠緊扣課程所學,透過實地考察增加對大灣區城市產業分工與發展定位的認識,掌握大灣區面對的機遇和挑戰。
24 March 2024
為了增進學生對國情的了解並培養家國情懷,國民教育組與中史科在 2024 年 3 月 24 至 3 月 27 日舉辦了「喜迎國慶 75 周年之南京歷史探索之旅」,帶領 30 位修讀高中中史科的同學前往南京參觀與鴉片戰爭及《南京條約》相關的古蹟如靜海寺、中國近代史遺址博物館,認識近代歷史上列強入侵所帶來的禍害;又到訪「侵華日軍南京大屠殺遇難同胞紀念館」、「拉貝與國際安全區紀念館」,實地了解南京大屠殺的歷史情景,從而擴闊學生的視野,增進同學對近代中國重要歷史事件和人物的了解,加深對中華文化的認識。
24 March 2024
價值觀教育組暨地理科於3月24日至28日舉行大阪自然文化5天團,旨在考察大阪的環保生態及社會文化。是次行程非常豐富,參觀日本著名的歷史文化古跡的景點如: 清水寺、 金閣寺、嵐山公園、大阪城公園等,學生能認識日本傳統建築及文化風俗。環保生態方面,透過參觀京都市環境保護推進中心、消防局防災學習中心及大阪市環境局住之江工場等,能學習日本的廢物回收方法及防災知識,提升學生的環保意識。學生亦到環球影城暢玩遊樂設施,到空庭溫泉初嘗浸溫泉的滋味,體驗獨有的款待精神和傳統文化,留下畢生難忘的回憶。
21 December 2023
The eagerly awaited fun fair took place on December 21st, 2023. A multitude of booths, operated by various clubs and classes, offered a wide range of attractions, including game stalls and food stalls. This allowed students to explore their potential and experience the joy of Christmas in advance. As students strolled around the campus, they […]
18 December 2023
The Four Houses Singing Contest was an exciting event held before the Christmas holiday, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their singing talents. The students responded enthusiastically to the singing contest, reflecting the theme of the occasion, Entheos. After the auditions, the respective teachers selected solo performers and duos from each house to participate […]
5 December 2023
The Joint Secondary Schools Speech Day was successfully held on December 5th. It was a momentous occasion where Form 5 students gathered to witness the graduation of Form 6 students from 18 TWGHs secondary schools in the 2022/2023 academic year. Despite the significant impact of pandemic-related school suspensions, these resilient students demonstrated unwavering determination and […]
24 November 2023
The first post-pandemic picnic filled students with excitement as they embarked on outdoor excursions to various country parks, fostering class bonds and a newfound appreciation for nature. F.1 students explored Tai Tam Country Park, F.2 students ventured to Sai Kung Country Park, F.3 students visited Clear Water Bay Country Park, and F.4 students explored Pat […]
18 November 2023
F1 Admission Information Day was held on 18th November 2023. Hundreds of parents and children eager to learn about our school attended the Information Day and were greeted by our students. The Principal gave a warm welcome to the parents and thanked them for taking the time to visit our school. Next, he discussed students’ […]
25 October 2023
On October 25, 2023, our school had the privilege of basking in the resplendent melodies and dynamic dance moves of Watoto’s fervent performance as part of their illustrious ‘We Will Go’ Asia tour. Each Watoto Children’s Choir is composed of approximately 18–22 children from Uganda. Our students take the choir’s performance very seriously and are […]
23 October 2023
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Beijing Youth Federation jointly organized a Beijing exchange tour to strengthen linkages and communication between students from Hong Kong and Beijing. As part of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, two teachers and twenty students visited Beijing from October 23 to 27 to visit our sister school, Zhong […]
21 October 2023
To provide parents with a deeper understanding of students’ learning progress at school, the Parent-Teacher Conference was held on October 21st, 2023. During the event, parents had the opportunity to meet the class teachers as well as other parents from the same class. Prior to the Parent-Teacher Conference, the PTA AGM cum Election took place, […]
16 October 2023
The Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders 2023-24 was successfully held on the 16th of October, 2023. We witnessed the capable student leaders of the past year pass the baton to yet another promising and driven group of students who are ready to take up their posts and serve our students and teachers. The ceremony began […]
5 October 2023
Our school’s 39th sports day was held on the 5th and the 13th of October this year. As per tradition, this annual event was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground. This year, our students all performed spectacularly, participating and excelling in a myriad of sports as well as preparing a cheering performance, making this sports […]
4 September 2023
This year, the opening ceremony was delayed due to the typhoon. However, we were grateful that we could still come together on September 4, 2023. The opening ceremony commenced with a speech delivered by the principal. At first, the principal welcomed the new students to our school. Next, he announced the impressive results achieved by […]
30 August 2023
The TWGHs Flag Day 2023, which aimed to raise funds for people in need in society, was successfully held on August 30, 2023. Numerous students and teachers from our school enthusiastically participated in this annual fundraising event. Undeterred by the scorching summer day, our dedicated volunteers gathered in busy streets and squares, actively seeking contributions […]
22 August 2023
Our school had held two orientation events for both freshmen and their parents. On 22 August, 2023, a New Students’ Orientation Day was held to welcome the freshmen to the Wong Fut Nam family. The event-packed day began with an ice-breaking session, where teachers and students had the opportunity to get to know each other […]
19 August 2023
The Wong Fut Nam Homecoming Concert 2023 was a resounding success, featuring the Orchestra, Band, Alumni Band, and Percussion Ensemble. The event, held on 19th August, was a captivating musical extravaganza, showcasing the exceptional talents of these groups. The Orchestra’s enchanting melodies stirred emotions as they performed ‘薪火承傳’, while the Band’s energetic performance of ‘Super […]
7 July 2023
From 7th to 14th July 2023, some Form 4 students represented our school and participated in the “Fuzhifanzhou STEAM Exchange Tour in the Greater Bay Area 2023” (2023「甫智方舟」青年創科支教大灣區交流活動). The students visited Shenzhen and Jiangmen City to plan and organize various educational activities. This experience allowed them to gain a better understanding of China’s development and […]
4 July 2023
The 2023 Joint-School Summer English Study Tour to Brisbane was successfully held from 4th July to 16th July with 4 other schools. Our school selected ten outstanding students, accompanied by our teacher, Ms. Angie Leung. During their stay in Brisbane, our students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Australian lifestyle by staying with […]
28 June 2023
The Values Education Committee and the Geography department jointly organized a Seoul natural and cultural exchange tour. 32 teachers and students went to Seoul from June 28 to July 2 to study the natural environment and social culture of the city. The itinerary included several attractions such as the Mapo Waste Resource Recovery Plant, Cheonggyecheon […]
28 June 2023
A group of two teachers and 20 students went on a study tour to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, two cities of the Greater Bay Area, from 28th -29th June. The tour, with the theme on technology, was an eye-opening experience where the students had an enjoyable time visiting some big Chinese companies like iFLYTEK, DJI and […]
16 February 2023
Having been suspended for years, the long-awaited fun fair was held on 16th February 2023. A vast array of booths were run by different clubs and classes, enabling students to develop their potential. Walking around the campus, students were exhilarated by the interactive games, scrumptious food as well as various students’ performances. The fun fair […]
25 November 2022
Students were encouraged to learn beyond the classroom by going on various outdoor excursions. F.1 students visited Hong Kong Heritage Museum and an organic farm, while F2 students learned about the importance of preserving the heritage in Hong Kong Island. F3 students carried out a field trip in the New Territories. As for F4 students, […]
19 November 2022
The F.1 Admission Information Day was held on 19th November 2022. Hundreds of P6 students and their parents attended the talk given by the Principal so as to know more about our school’s curriculum, policies, and other learning experiences. The visitors were also impressed by our students’ music performance as well as the alumni sharing […]
17 October 2022
The Inauguration Ceremony was successfully held on the 17th October, 2022. This ceremony marked the official inauguration of student leaders of 2022-2023 school year. At the beginning of the ceremony, the former Head Prefects reported their duties and activities that they had carried out. They also took off their badge and passed it to the […]
15 October 2022
In order to let parents have a deeper understanding of the learning progress of students at school, Parent-teacher Conference was held on 15th October, 2022. Parents had a chance to meet the class teacher and the parents of the same class during the event. PTA AGM cum Election was held right after the Parent-teacher Conference. […]
1 September 2022
The Opening Ceremony of the 2022-2023 school year was officially held on 1st September, 2022. The principal first warmly welcomed the new students and teachers who join our big family. He then reported the commendable results of our graduates in 2022 HKDSE and introduced this year’s school theme – Take responsibility, Pass on our culture. […]
31 August 2022
The TWGHs Flag Day 2022 was successfully held on 31 August 2022. To raise funds for our community and education services, many of our schoolmates have actively participated in this annual fundraising event. In the midst of the pandemic, volunteers from our school scurried around the territory gathering funds from passersby. Thanks to their perseverance […]
23 August 2022
A New Students’ Orientation Day was held on 23rd August 2022 to warmly welcome the freshmen to join the Wong Fut Nam family. The burden of the pandemic could not suppress the excitement of the new students as they could eventually greet their class teachers and classmates for the first time. The event-packed day started […]
11 August 2022
Held on 11th August, the Closing Ceremony marked the end of the school term. Academic Awards and scholarships were awarded to students with outstanding academic results or remarkable improvement. The Principal took the opportunity to thank the teachers who retired or left this year. Before the ceremony ended, the Principal explained the danger of infodemic […]
27 June 2022
Held by the Students’ Union, Union Festival was another big event in the school year. Students had the opportunity to showcase their talents. Their singing, dancing performance and more wowed the audience with their levels of artistry in their performances. What made the event more special was the glow sticks prepared by the Students’ Union […]
17 November 2021
Adventure-ship was held successfully on 17th November 2021. Unlike other leadership training activity, Adventure-ship provided an opportunity for student leaders to go beyond their comfort zone and learn more about themselves. Although they were required to complete the challenging tasks, they all dealt with it strongly with good team spirit. Many participants said that the […]
1 September 2021
School started on 1st September 2021 and we warmly welcomed all the new and old faces to our family. We were grateful that we could meet one another face to face. Even though teachers and students were wearing their masks, we could still see their “smiling eyes” when entering the school. In the opening ceremony, […]
15 July 2021
The closing ceremony was held on 15th July 2021 to mark the end of this academic year. Principal, Vice-principals, teachers and students all gathered in the school hall to attend it. The Principal delivered the closing remarks and gave valuable advice to students.
21 May 2021
Held on 21st May, the Speech Day not only marked the end of the secondary school life of the F.6 graduates, but also reminded them the unforgettable memories they spent with us. Despite the pandemic, the ceremony was still held as it was a great opportunity for them to celebrate their achievement with their teachers […]
27 November 2020
Given the latest development of the pandemic, the Speech Day was conducted both online and offline simultaneously. In the academic year 2019/2020, a total of 1,759 Form 6 students graduated from 18 TWGHs secondary schools. Admittedly, COVID-19 has somewhat hampered the learning progress of students, especially that of HKDSE candidates who could not but cope […]
14 November 2020
Through the Competition, all participating students not only had a better understanding of the mission and spirit of the Group in serving Hong Kong selflessly since 1870, but also consolidated their understanding of the history of the Group and Hong Kong, and thus enhance their sense of belonging. Our School won the champions for the […]
13 November 2020
Performed in Chinese costumes, our students gave a magnificent performance which narrated the well-known Chinese folklore, The Butterfly Lovers, in the Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Classic Recital Show 2020. Accompanied by the music played by the percussion ensemble with violins and flutes as soloists, as well as an animation of over 3000 hand drawn […]
9 October 2020
The long-awaited Speech Day, which has been postponed, was held on 9th October, 2020. The F.6 graduates finally had an opportunity to reunite and meet their teachers and friends at their beloved school, while parents watched the live event online to witness their child’s graduation and share such a memorable moment. We are especially proud […]
1 September 2020
Despite the pandemic, our school reopens on 1st September. An unprecedented re-opening ceremony was held in the morning of that day with only Principal, Vice-Principals and teachers in the school hall, while students watched it online. It was also a new experience for students to “attend” an online Opening Ceremony. The Principal first welcomed students […]
9 November 2019
PTA Annual General Meeting cum the 23rd PTA Committee Members Election was successfully held on 9th November, 2019 (Sat). This year, seven parents ran for the seats and six of them were elected. Thanks so much to everyone who ran for the positions and we really appreciate their participation and enthusiasm. We were also glad […]
28 September 2019
Adhering to our mission to promote “all-round education”, the Group strives to nurture the multi-faceted potentials of our students. Under the theme of “Knowledge builds up in steps: London Collection”, Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, will take 28 Student Ambassadors from TWGHs secondary schools on a tour to London in […]
2 September 2019
The Opening Ceremony of the 2019-2020 school year was officially held on 2nd September, 2019. A speech was delivered by the new principal, Mr Lee. He first introduced himself and warmly welcomed the new students and teachers who join our big family. He also highlighted the students’ achievements in both HKDSE and various extra-curricular activities […]
12 July 2019
The Closing Ceremony of 2018-2019 was held on 12 July 2019. This was the last closing ceremony officiated by our Principal Mr. Leung Chi Kin. Having led Wong Fut Nam College for 11 years, he is going to retire after this summer holiday. Teachers, students and alumni thanked his endless effort in the past through […]
29 June 2019
Feature: Steinway & Sons Grand Piano Sponsor: Dr. Philip K.H. Wong & Dr. Wilson K.L. Wong 29th June 2019 (Saturday) 18:00 – 20:30 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Sinfonia Auditorium We believe every student has musical potential and it is our responsibility to provide to provide enriching music education to them. Music education cannot only […]
3 May 2019
To provide a practical, student-centered, active learning environment for gifted science students in Primary school who wish to further their knowledge in this subject. TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College would like to provide learning opportunities that will enable students to develop their curiosity as well as build up their scientific knowledge and enthusiasm. Through a […]
16 February 2019
The Concluding Day of TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver was held on 16 February 2019 at our School Hall. Mr. Vinci WONG, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, and several Board Members attended the Event to show their support. During the Event, 28 Student Ambassadors shared their experiences and stories of the Tour to Vancouver. […]
21 December 2018
To celebrate Christmas, Christmas Fun Fair was held on 21st December. Sixteen game booths were created by students from both senior and junior forms. Both the Parent-teacher Association and Alumni Association also ran a booth to organize interesting games for students to play and prepared some lovely prizes. Many alumnus also came back to have […]
18 December 2018
Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association invited Professor Tieniu TAN to share “Opportunities for the Youth in the Latest Innovation and Technology Development” on 18 December 2018 in our school hall. Professor Tieniu TAN is an expert on image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition. He is currently the Vice Minister at the Liaison Office of […]
5 December 2018
The 37th Sports Day was held on 5th and 6th December 2018 at Wan Chai Sports Ground. Miss Yan Zi, who is the Olympic bronze medallist and the Asian Games gold medallist and the two-time Chinese grand slam doubles champion, was invited to be the guest of honour to address the closing ceremony. She shared […]
7 November 2018
The Watoto Children’s Choir, a group of abandoned children from Uganda, performed at our school on 7th November, 2018 (Wed) as a part of its Asian Tour featuring their concert – Signs & Wonders. All the way from Uganda, they are a voice for millions who are orphaned and vulnerable in Africa. Listening to the […]
15 October 2018
On 15 October 2018, Chief Executive Carrie Lam met more than 700 students from TWGHs at our school hall to share her vision outlined in the 2018 Policy Address and the initiatives in it. In the opening address, Mrs Lam shared her governance philosophy and her experience in the past year as the Chief Executive. […]
22 September 2018
Our students participated in TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver 2018 Kick-off Ceremony on 22nd September 2018 at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. Mr. Vinci WONG, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, presented a flag to the participating ambassadors. The TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver was held from 9 to 17 October 2018. […]
28 August 2018
Form 1 parents were invited to join a series to talks familiarizing themselves with the school and enjoy the wonderful musical performance by our senior students.
30 June 2018
Pieces by JS Bach, Satoshi Yagisawa, Vivaldi, Ennio Morricone, Sarasate, Ponce/Heifetz and more!!!
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